Wednesday, October 14, 2009


next reading: A Companion Species Manifesto by Donna Harraway.
next meeting Nov 5, 2009

Discussion 9/24
“Toward a Queer Ecofeminism” by Greta Gaard in Hypatia, Vol 12 Issue1 1997

fragmented notes and ideas inspired by the reading:

deconstructing the (ecofeminist) movement\nature as nature, not gendered
the inclusivity of the third wave
alternate cultures, (beyond east and west)
does ecofeminism exist outside of western culture?
Does feminism exist outside of western culture?
Fragmented raindrops of culture-what is in the big pool?
You can’t separate, how do you unbraid it?
What is the fashion? What is the treatment-branding, slaves, military (women?)
Take away gender, as the last marker (of otherness), what creates the other? Do you remove the gap? Are we there yet??
The choices of how nature is treated in other cultures,(i.e. Confucian)
Does that illuminate feminist issues in other cultures?
Cradle of civilization, what are the stories of the world? What writes the story? What about globalism? Bumping into each other- no safe place w/o others. Must look.
“always changing mind” “can’t please em” difference is good.
Cultural discrepancies vs. gender discrepancies
-civil rights
Human rights, civil rights, ecofeminism as a portal
Human/ nature as the global challenge and question

The erotic pushing the boundaries, but then removal of civil rights.
-the sight of gender: butch, femme, color etc…
transgendered- what is the base?
The erotic-What is terrifying about it? Can’t be classified, unknown, not controlled, beyond reason.
Erotic as disempowered, the erotic as strength.
Eroticism as empowering/disempowering
Erotic landscape- the erotic mind
Emily Dickenson- sensual, intellectual, if you think it/feel it …then the split
Nature (verb) the process of becoming/ Nature as noun
Artisans making things, artists making things
Nature as process, the erotic as feeling, as female, unclassified
Art as nature/ feeling. Knowledge and philosophy
Classic painter/abstract painter echelons of art
You are what you see (the senses)
You do not exist anymore. Can you go beyond that? Do you become something after that? Doing the work, training yourself to allow things to happen through the work.
The aim of sex is to get out of your self
When art gets too sensual- the desire is to categorize.
Singing in front of people as erotic, power as erotic,
The physiological arousal of rage- is that eroticism?
Rap culture, clockwork orange
human eroticism/human nature
Fear- run away, dominate: fight or flight
The erotic as far out as nature, as other, lesser, lower, squelch the erotic to maintain power.

some links:
